Where is it…

So I have been really liking the new Script Browser (http://blogs.technet.com/b/onescript/archive/2014/05/11/what-s-new-in-script-browser-amp-script-analyzer-1-2.aspx) add-on for ISE. Surprisingly I am liking it for the Script Analyzer. Surprising? To be honest I have not been a fan of the recent Scripting Games and all of the judges’ feedback regarding aliases and other commonly used practices. I do see the point but for me, I write the script, make it work and then if I have to make it public I will go through and comment the code to a sickening level. I love what Mr. James Brundage (http://www.start-automating.com/) has brought to the Powershell community but Script Cop angered me 🙂

Since I spend time trying to bestow the strengths of Powershell amongst my colleagues, I am starting to use Script Analyzer to clean up my code before sharing.

The support with the “add-on” has been great as well. With version 1.1 I had encountered some “features” and submitted an email inquiring. The response was quick and a great help.

Since Powershell V3 I have been using the ISE exclusively as my editor and this set of add-ons just makes that experience better.

So what am I posting about? I had the feature installed and working and using the toolset. Then I rebuilt my machine (Bare Metal) to Win7 x64 and of course tried to reinstall the product. Hint, we use roaming profiles. I could net get the install to work, always getting to a point where it wanted a path to a setup.msi file. I tried a few things and was about to send an email to see where I should look in the registry. I wish there was a better code display plugin for wordpress but the details of where I found it…

HKEY_USERS and within my hive it was withing Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products

Once I removed the key from Products, I was able to cleanly install Script Browser.